Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cork, Cork, Cork & More Corks! Status Update On New Table

The top of the new wine table is complete and Josh is working on the base now.  We found a stain that will blend okay with our existing bar stools and had a piece of NICE glass cut to fit perfectly.  Last night we arranged all the corks and put the glass in.  It is so pretty, I can't wait for the rest of it to be completed!

A lot more work goes into cork arrangement than one might think

See how nicely the glass fits!
The table top is resting on one of the old bar stools for now

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Construction Begins on Custom Wine Table!

I originally thought I wanted an old wine barrel to convert into a table for the sun room but the combination of not finding one reasonably priced and Josh being bored, (he always has to have a project) we decided to custom build a wine table.  More like, Leah design a table and Josh build it.  However, I am completely in charge of cork arrangement!

We looked at lots of bar height tables at different stores and online.  I even bought and returned one.  There is absolutely NOTHING available for purchase that remotely meets my criteria.  I want to have a shelf to place the laptop or ipad while charging.  This will also be convenient to grab it and surf the web or post on a blog while sitting at the new table in the sun room. I also want another shelf to place my Wine Spectator and Food & Wine Magazines.  The table also needs to go okay with our existing bar stools.

Since it is an original design, I am finally going to put all those bags of corks I've been saving for 6 years to good use! The top of the table is built to hold all the wine corks with a nice piece of glass on top of them.  I am also putting some of my champagne corks around the perimeter.  They have to each be cut to fit the depth that the regular wine corks are at.  (Pray no fingers get cut off in this process)!

This will be another great piece of custom furniture with so many memories built into it.  Each cork represents a conversation with good friends or a memorable meal.  I am so excited for it to be finished!

top of table, corks are not in the final arrangement yet.  I was making sure I had enough- I had to scrounge the kitchen for 5 more!

See how the champagne ones are taller, they each have to be cut down to match the height of the regular corks.

This is going to be a great conversation piece.  I can play games like- can you find the most disgusting wine ? That would be the one Duplin cork (NC Super Sweet Wine).  Can you find the most expensive wine? Chateau Montelena.  How many Cambria cork's are there? A LOT! Which cork is the happiest? The one with the smiley face :0)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Time to "Get Happy"

Sing Hallelujah, come on get happy! 

Anne Hathaway to play Judy Garland

Funny, I was just thinking today about renaming this blog "Get Happy" in honor of Judy Garland and then came across this fantastic news!
I am so excited that a new film is going to be made about Frances Gumm.  I've watched "Me and My Shadows" numerous times and recently just found an ancient copy of the old "Rainbow" TV bio film that came out when I was a kid. I've watched them over and over and over.
In reality, neither of them are really very good.  I almost think watching "A Star Is Born" is a more realistic portrayal of the emotional side of Judy. But, a REAL, full length, feature film is great news! I've read several different biographies of Judy and am excited about this new film because it is using some of her unpublished autobiography.  The film is based on Gerald Clarke's biography "Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland" I have not read this biography, I need to get busy.
Anne Hathaway is musically talented and did a great job portraying Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins on SNL, I hope she will do a great job as Judy too!


Little Frances Gumm, 1928 (just 6)

I have this framed in my house

Judy performing "Get Happy" from my favorite Judy and Gene Kelly film- "Summerstock"

Joy Behar: Outdated Poster Child of Angry, Progressive, Feminists, leftovers of the 70's

Okay, you got me, I guess I'll have to admit that I have not been a fan of Joy Behar for a very, very long time.  Recently, she once again reminded me why.   Her childish walk out in the middle of the  O'Reilly interview was just another example of her inability to tolerate other "views" and her deep anger toward those with conservative, traditional opinions.  It's one thing for her to have her own talk show in the evenings where viewers tune in to see just her and know what they are getting into; but to be placed on a panel with other women and behave the way she does is very offensive to me.

If she is too angry to calmly and maturely argue her point of view, then she lacks the maturity and professionalism to be on a morning talk show.  Especially one that supposedly represents "the views" of American women.

Her consistently angry behavior represents the demise of the liberal/progressive side of the outdated feminist movement.  She is stuck in the past with anger of the late 60's, early 70's and needs a reality check to accept that her radical views are not a majority representation of the country.  Real women all over this country are happy, strong, and independent, all while being educated and successful in careers and still  holding traditional beliefs in God and family.  The Elitist, radical world she huffs and puffs around in is very small.

Opposing views definitely need to be represented in media.  She has the right and should represent her opposing view, but PLEASE, Ms. Behar, try to do so with a little more tact and a little less anger.

On a side note, Mr. O'Reilly was wrong to say "listen to me you might learn something" that was rude and inappropriate, even if it was true.  He can't help but have a "Pin-head" moment every now and then, we all do. (Joy Behar show clip, the last section is the best) (the EVENT on the view)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Warning: Hotdog monster on the loose!

A couple of weekends ago we traveled up to NYC once again for a Broadway overnight trip.

This time we stayed at a boutique hotel about 5 blocks off Broadway which meant a lower rate and a more restful sleep.  The Algonquin hotel was built in 1902 and has a long history of being popular with writers.  They also have a resident cat who just happened to be resting nearby when we checked in.  She looks like a mix between my Mom's cat and my Persian, Bailey.  I wanted to take her to the room with me but resisted.

Matilda, the resident cat
We went to see West Side Story this trip since it is ending soon.  The score was fabulous of course.  Bernstein is brilliant, but the acting was so,so... I was hoping to be more impressed.  I think Wicked the musical has just ruined me.  I've seen it 3 times and been completely captured by every second of it each time, but when I see other shows, they are just good- not brilliant.  The one exception was last year when we got to see Jude Law in Hamlet at the Broadhurst.  That was BRILLIANCE.

We still had a good time and walked to the Empire State Building after the show and avoided a lot of long lines.  The view at night from the top is amazing! I got some photographs and of course a magnet from the gift shop.  The following day on our way out of town ended up being the highlight of this particular adventure!

the lights are Broadway from atop the Empire State
Since Josh LOVES hot dogs and I had already had my way all weekend, he vetoed my desire to go to the cemetery where Judy Garland is buried.  We will have to do that another trip... So, we made a detour to Brooklyn so Josh could get hot dogs at the original Nathan's Famous hot dog stand at Conney Island.  It was great! He loved it and they were really good and I don't even like hot dogs- I read George Orwell one too many times and it just ruined it for me.

We turned our drive home into a junk food, travel channel, man vs food trip by going to Nathan's and then 3 hours later stopping in Philly to try out the famous Philadelphia Cheese Steak competitors.  We first shared a cheese steak at Pat's (the original-the first!) and then walked across the street to the Harley Davidson, screaming orange, bright lights and neon sign overkill called Geno's.  We ate the same thing at each place and unanimously decided we like Pat's better.  Geno's is trying too hard and we aren't flashy Harley people.
Josh's Happy Place
Actually, Pat's cut the steak differently and had better peppers.

So my little Broadway trip actually turned into Josh's food trip, which I'm sure he didn't mind a bit.  It is nice to be close enough to things like this for a quick weekend trip!


Geno's flashy steaks, good.. but not my favorite. (Johnny Depp pun intended)

Thank you Mrs. Washington for a lovely evening...

Sunday evening, the 3rd of October, Josh and I attended the Mount Vernon Estate Wine Festival.  It would have gone exactly as I had envisioned it for months if we would have attended the Saturday, Oct. 2nd evening instead. The day before was a perfect California type of day.  As real life would have it, that was not the case on the 3rd.  It poured down rain the entire time.  This however, may have ruined my hair, but not my experience!  The rain actually led to new experiences that may have otherwise been overlooked.

Under the big tent near the Barboursville booth
First, we didn't taste any wine really.  The lines were tremendous and the big tasting tent was crammed full of wine enthusiasts trying to stay dry.  We tasted a couple of wines and then forgoed the crowds and purchased a bottle of the Barboursville Octagon wine that we knew from past experience was likely the best choice of VA wine represented.

Barboursville Vineyards is located just north of Charlottesville, VA on the property once owned by Governor Barbour.  The vineyard has the ruins of the Governor's old home still on the property.  The home was designed by Thomas Jefferson in the Octagon style of course, but was unfortunately destroyed by a fire.  We have visited this particular vineyard before, both because of the good wine reputation and the historic significance.

The portico's from a previous visit
So, the rain led us to share a bottle of excellent wine with the other couple who attended the event with us. The best part is where we shared it! We were lucky enough to find shelter underneath one of the portico's that run on both sides of the main house.  These are my favorite parts of the house, they are so pretty to photograph, stare at, and they are painted the most beautiful shade of blue.  I would love to have an entire house painted this color.  I was very happy to be hanging out under one of these structures.  During normal hours, tours are processed through them and you can not stand in one of them very long.

The second event was the opportunity to have my photograph taken with the Washington's.  The lovely lady who plays Mrs. Washington is just wonderful! I was truly honored to speak with her and have my photo taken, even if she isn't really THE ORIGINAL Mrs. Washington.  We plan to maybe give it another try with hopes of better weather when they have the next event in the Spring.
Martha and George on the back lawn of Mt. Vernon