Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thank you Mrs. Washington for a lovely evening...

Sunday evening, the 3rd of October, Josh and I attended the Mount Vernon Estate Wine Festival.  It would have gone exactly as I had envisioned it for months if we would have attended the Saturday, Oct. 2nd evening instead. The day before was a perfect California type of day.  As real life would have it, that was not the case on the 3rd.  It poured down rain the entire time.  This however, may have ruined my hair, but not my experience!  The rain actually led to new experiences that may have otherwise been overlooked.

Under the big tent near the Barboursville booth
First, we didn't taste any wine really.  The lines were tremendous and the big tasting tent was crammed full of wine enthusiasts trying to stay dry.  We tasted a couple of wines and then forgoed the crowds and purchased a bottle of the Barboursville Octagon wine that we knew from past experience was likely the best choice of VA wine represented.

Barboursville Vineyards is located just north of Charlottesville, VA on the property once owned by Governor Barbour.  The vineyard has the ruins of the Governor's old home still on the property.  The home was designed by Thomas Jefferson in the Octagon style of course, but was unfortunately destroyed by a fire.  We have visited this particular vineyard before, both because of the good wine reputation and the historic significance.

The portico's from a previous visit
So, the rain led us to share a bottle of excellent wine with the other couple who attended the event with us. The best part is where we shared it! We were lucky enough to find shelter underneath one of the portico's that run on both sides of the main house.  These are my favorite parts of the house, they are so pretty to photograph, stare at, and they are painted the most beautiful shade of blue.  I would love to have an entire house painted this color.  I was very happy to be hanging out under one of these structures.  During normal hours, tours are processed through them and you can not stand in one of them very long.

The second event was the opportunity to have my photograph taken with the Washington's.  The lovely lady who plays Mrs. Washington is just wonderful! I was truly honored to speak with her and have my photo taken, even if she isn't really THE ORIGINAL Mrs. Washington.  We plan to maybe give it another try with hopes of better weather when they have the next event in the Spring.
Martha and George on the back lawn of Mt. Vernon

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