Friday, October 15, 2010

Joy Behar: Outdated Poster Child of Angry, Progressive, Feminists, leftovers of the 70's

Okay, you got me, I guess I'll have to admit that I have not been a fan of Joy Behar for a very, very long time.  Recently, she once again reminded me why.   Her childish walk out in the middle of the  O'Reilly interview was just another example of her inability to tolerate other "views" and her deep anger toward those with conservative, traditional opinions.  It's one thing for her to have her own talk show in the evenings where viewers tune in to see just her and know what they are getting into; but to be placed on a panel with other women and behave the way she does is very offensive to me.

If she is too angry to calmly and maturely argue her point of view, then she lacks the maturity and professionalism to be on a morning talk show.  Especially one that supposedly represents "the views" of American women.

Her consistently angry behavior represents the demise of the liberal/progressive side of the outdated feminist movement.  She is stuck in the past with anger of the late 60's, early 70's and needs a reality check to accept that her radical views are not a majority representation of the country.  Real women all over this country are happy, strong, and independent, all while being educated and successful in careers and still  holding traditional beliefs in God and family.  The Elitist, radical world she huffs and puffs around in is very small.

Opposing views definitely need to be represented in media.  She has the right and should represent her opposing view, but PLEASE, Ms. Behar, try to do so with a little more tact and a little less anger.

On a side note, Mr. O'Reilly was wrong to say "listen to me you might learn something" that was rude and inappropriate, even if it was true.  He can't help but have a "Pin-head" moment every now and then, we all do. (Joy Behar show clip, the last section is the best) (the EVENT on the view)

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely about being a person who can at the minimum debate other views. It speaks volumes about her level maturity. Plus, it goes back to agreeing to disagree. Furthermore, does anyone going on the O'Reilly show have any doubt what they're in for in???
